اولین شماره فصلنامه انگلیسی حقوق پزشکی منتشر شد
اولین شماره فصلنامه انگلیسی حقوق پزشکی - ارگان رسمی انجمن علمی حقوق پزشکی ایران منتشر شد .
Journal of Medical Law (Semiannual) on behalf of the Iranian Scientific Association for Medical Law under the supervision of the Islamic Countries of Forensic Medicine and the National Commission for ISESCO Vol.1, No.1, spring 2010 ISSN: 2008-6199 Chairman&License Holder Mahmoud Abbasi (PhD) Editor-in- Chief Seyed Mostafa Mohaghegh Damad (PhD) Executive Manager Amir Samavati pirouz (PhD)
Suicide from the ViewPoint of Practical Philosophy and
Mostafa Mohaghegh Damad
Abdolaziz Sachedina
Legal Responses to HIV/AIDS Transmission
Mahmoud Abbasi, Ladan Abbasian, S.R.Ehsanpour
A Disabled Justice for the Disabled Victims?!
Amir Samavati Pirouz
HIV/AIDS: Across- Cutting Theme in Human Rights-
Domestic and International Dimensions
Janet Blake
Organ and Tissue Transplants in Comparative Law
Mahmoud Abbasi
Language of change in Islamic Law: Re-Defining Death
Ebrahim Moosa
The Challenges of Protecting Traditional Knowledge
through an IP Regimen with Regard to Particular
Golana Ashtari